>These celebrity scoops are needed to fund the important journalism, the stuff that holds politicians to account and exposes wrongdoing.

In Québec they even kind of value celebrity gossip in itself, on the grounds that it keeps people engaged with the local culture!

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Thank you for raising a really important point. Entertainment journalism is not necessarily gutter journalism and you’re right it does play an important part in our culture

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Vicky Smith

While I understand not everyone likes Harry (perhaps because of all the negative articles the tabloid press publishes in order to keep the negative opinions going, which is to their benefit in the end) the fact is that he, Hugh, and everyone else who was hacked is correct. It was a business decision to hack, and the tabloids chose to do so. I wonder if we'll see screaming headlines for weeks about why William refuses to tell how much he's paying in taxes, especially given the precedent that Charles did so? Probably not, as they do need to have access to the future King. The Spare exists as a foil for the tabloids, the Heir is protected.

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Yes they’re absolutely correct. In fairness to William, the paperwork doesn’t display the figure but we know he’s paying the rate so you can work it out backwards from there. However I do think it’s odd they’ve gone backwards in terms of transparency and I would hope that they may rethink this when publishing next year.

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